Thrive Afterschool Clubs


Literacy & Bible

Classes begin August 28th (no class Labor Day) - December 11th 2023. Grades Kindergarten-2nd. Free to enrolled CPS students.

MONDAYS 2:45 PM to 4:45PM

This program is designed to support your emerging reader in their literacy development. Each week we will spend time working on building a specific literacy skill through direct instruction and playful learning centers. This is not a homework help program. While there may be days we are able to assist with homework, that will not be the main focus of this program. We will end each day by discussing a Bible Story.   

Empower Dance Club

Classes begin September 5th - May 14th for Grades 5th - 8th. Free to enrolled CPS students

TUESDAYS 2:45 PM to 5 PM 

This class teaches dance and movement techniques while enhancing our understanding of worship. 

Impact Sports Club

Classes begin August 30th - May 8th for Grades 3rd-6th.

 Free to enrolled CPS students


This program is designed to promote healthy activity and fun competition for your child. Every week, we will play a team sport or group games for your child to participate in. Additionally, your child will learn about important life skills such as responsibility, teamwork, strengths, and self esteem in the context of a Bible story. 

Trive In School Support

Reborn Ministries staff and volunteers provide supportive services in our partner CPS school


My name is Demaj

Demaj Splunge is a leader. Relatives, friends, teachers, strangers - people in Garfield Park will follow Demaj everywhere, even to church.